Multilingual article marketing

Specialised services in German, Russian, French and many other languages

Article marketing is a specific field that deals with the promotion of company content and much more, by sending out press releases and informative articles to suitable web platforms. The final aim of these editing activities is to assist the progress of SEO campaigns based on link building in order to improve the positioning of a site on search engines while promoting products and/or the user services.

Studio Moretto Group offers clients the chance to increase the number of visits and the reputation of their websites by publishing articles related to client activities on journalism sites and blogs in the sector.

Multilingual article marketing services in:

  • English, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese and all other western languages;
  • Russian and the national Asiatic languages;
  • Arabic, in all the specific local variations for Egypt, Morocco, the United Arab Emirates etc;
  • Chinese, Japanese and Korean.

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