CAT: how we retrieve repetitions

By integrating CAT tools such as Trados, Transit, Déjà Vu and Across, our SMGDesk platform is able to:

  • retrieve repetitive or similar translations to avoid having to re-translate them;
  • store terminology and make it available to the linguists to guarantee uniformity of translation.

Managing Translation Memories (TM)

The list below shows how a TM and glossaries are created in the preparatory phase of each translation project and some general characteristics of the SMGDesk’s CAT systems.

  • Creation of TMs: before starting translation projects, the Client provides past translations in an editable format so that SMG can create the TMs to be used as reference material. Alternatively, the Client can provide already existing The Client may instruct SMG to review the TMs to correct any errors; otherwise, SMG will create the TMs during the course of the translations, correct the Fuzzy segments provided by the Client and will correct the Full Match if ordered by the Client.
  • TM organization: SMG manages separate TMs for each customer. These can be subdivided according to subject matter or other categorisations specified by the Client.
  • Sharing the TM with the Client and statistics: the TMs can be shared with the Client in the TMX exchange format. The Clients view their TMs in SMGDesk, where they also find qualitative and quantitative data on TM content, on the correspondences and recurrences they contain, on the verification and validation status of the segments that make them up, on the terminological uniformity and savings they generate.
  • Creation of glossaries: at the beginning of the working relationship, the SMG linguists extrapolate the terminology from old texts supplied by the Client, verify it and create terminology glossaries that are saved in SMGDesk. These glossaries are classified on the basis of the client, subject matter and languages and will be updated and verified in the course of each translation.
  • Sharing glossaries with the Client and statistics: glossaries are stored in SMGDesk and can be shared with the Client, who can consult them at any time and can find qualitative and quantitative data on their content (for example, the number of terms it contains, the glossary, whether it is a bilingual or multilingual glossary, the status of verification and validation of terms, indications on the sources used for the terminology research and/or any notes by the SMG linguists).
  • Secure servers: SMG saves TMs and glossaries on their firewall, DMZ, VPN and HTTPS protected secure servers, and keeps them stored indefinitely, unless the Customer requests their cancellation. TMs and glossaries are thus accessible and downloadable by the Customer via SMGDesk, protected by access authentication.
  • Scalability: SMG’s system for managing TMs and glossaries is modular and therefore infinitely scalable in terms of storage capacity and translation processing.
  • TM ownership is exclusive to the Client, who may request their deletion at the end of the collaboration.

Next, we describe how the assisted translation is managed when the Customer assigns a job.

  • Creating TMs for individual projects: when the Client requests a translation, SMG analyses the text to be translated, calculates its internal repetitions and compares it with any existing client TM on that specific topic to detect repetitions. The PM provides translators with the texts to be translated and a specific TM for the job in question (Project TM), so that they can translate using CAT tools that retrieve similar and repetitive parts.
  • Simultaneous use of TM by multiple translators: the use of CAT tools in cloud, such as Trados GroupShare, allows multiple translators to share the same TM in real-time and the translations that colleagues are working on.
  • TM update: once completed, the PM submits the translation to SMG’s Revisers, together with the Project TM, so that they can be corrected. SMG integrates the final project TM with the Customer/Topic’s historical TM when the translation is approved by the Reviser or the Customer, depending on the agreement.
  • Client corrections: SMGDesk lets the Customer download the translations and ask for changes or corrections to be made, access their TMs and request changes to their organization and classification, as well as view the glossaries and propose changes to individual terms. Requests are taken in hand by the PM and are discussed technically with those in charge of control over the linguistic quality and with those who manage the TM. To this end, SMGDesk provides a real-time chat system.
  • Terminology update : SMG updates glossaries upon completion of each project, viewing on the customer’s behalf the glossaries verified by the Revisors. The Customer is invited to validate the glossaries with a frequency to be agreed. In this way, linguists will have updated glossaries, ensuring uniformity and reduced lead times.

Translation services using SDL Trados

SMG UK Translations Limited (SMG UK) also offers translation services using SDL Trados CAT tools. The advanced and informed use of machine assisted translations tools enable Studio Moretto Group to provide:

  • SDL Trados translation services;
  • Trados translation and project management services;
  • Glossary and terminology management services using Multiterm.

Over the course of the last years, we have provided the following linguistic services in particular:

  • Localisation using SDL Trados for technical manuals, even in Russian, German and Portuguese.
  • Financial report translations using Trados, especially in English and Italian.
  • Translation of multilingual documents using InDesign, FrameMaker, PageMaker with Trados tools even for oriental languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
  • Machine assisted translation for repetitive legal and pharmaceutical texts.

Translation services using Across

Our Linguistic Research Institute (CRL) has examined the latest assisted translation software in great detail and has authorised them to be used among the CAT tools employed by Studio Moretto Group for the provision of repetitive technical, medical and legal translation services.

Across solutions currently available:

  • Translation services in Across;
  • Terminology Management services in CrossTerm.

Studio Moretto Group has particularly wide experience in the translation of texts using Across from and into German. The following services particularly stand out:

  • Translations and revision in Across from German into Italian and vice versa.
  • Technical translations in Across using German, English, French and Spanish.
  • Project Management in Across for translations in Scandinavian languages (Swedish, Norwegian, etc.) and Eastern European languages (Polish, Hungarian, Czech etc.).

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